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GP25: Conference for General Practice


July 2025



Te Pae

Christchurch Convention Centre

Mā te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātau

In unity, we have strength.

Join us from Thursday 24 to Saturday 26 July 2025 at Te Pae Convention Centre in Ōtautahi Christchurch for GP25: Conference for General Practice.

This year’s whakataukī was chosen because this is a significant time for health care in New Zealand especially in primary care and rural hospital medicine. Our workforce continues to be a topical issue as does the number of doctors we can attract to train in the profession.

A sense of belonging is a human need that reduces feelings of isolation and stress through connection to others and feeling supported by a larger community. It's what allows us to feel connected to the people and places – our communities – where we spend so much of our time.

The conference programme is being created with GPs’ and rural hospital doctors’ interests and scopes in mind, as well as medical students, registrars and the wider primary health care sector.

Alongside a robust clinical conference programme with informative plenary presentations, panel discussions and practical sessions featuring sector experts, there will be various social activities to foster collegiality.

We look forward to welcoming you to GP25 in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

Ngā mihi nui

The organising Committee
GP25: Conference for General Practice

Call for abstracts

now open



GP25 Ian Taylor

Sir Ian Taylor

Find out more ↗